Dr. Vijay Veer Singh (Director of MSI)
Education and learning is the one which liberates a person from ignorance, need, grief, and inculcate human value.
M.S. Institute an Institution with focus on quality education in quality ambience and committed to excellence in professional and traditional education. In a short span of time it has evolved as a prime centre of education in the surrounding area. In recent time the world has undergone a vast change in every field especially in field of education and more so in the last decade. The trend is continuing and is expected to be more unpronounced, therefore the need is too geared up for tomorrow. Keeping this in mind we are committed to excellence with innovative ideas and shaping the telents and aspiration of young generation. We believe true education liberates a person from ignorance and inculcate human values.
The institute has an aesthetically integrated campus with all facilities, distinguished faculty and dedicated supporting staff.The institute is striving tirelessly to maintain it standard of excellence by to stering and environemnt of endless opportunites and promoting a culture of life long learning. Our philosophy has been to invest all the resources with rigierous academic tranning for the mind.Sports and other activities for healthy body and value based education for healthy mind set ensuring 360. development of the students by uncorporating various curricular, co-curricular and extra curricularactivites. towards the students cause and all round development. Various curricular, co- curricular and extra-curricular activities are regularly conducted to ensure the overall development and students.